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LocalCoinSwap - Review

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About LocalCoinSwap 
LocalCoinSwap, which is online at, is a cryptocurrency exchange that aims to give users more control over the platform. The creators affirm that their market is "the most transparent exchange from the financial point of view in the market".
Why is transparency important? Why should you worry about transparent exchanges? That's because the action promises to distribute 100% of its profits to the public.
Societies can also vote democratically in all aspects of market operations.
The ultimate goal of LocalCoinSwap is to create better exchanges of p2p cryptocurrencies. This will solve the problem of centralized and decentralized exchange today. It will have a custody service to facilitate a decentralized cryptographic exchange, which makes it more of a decentralized exchange.

How it Work
LocalCoinSwap emphasizes low cost for merchants. Users will facilitate peer-to-peer transactions, which means they do not have to pay fees to an intermediary.
LocalCoinSwap also states that it supports more cryptographic methods and payment methods than any other existing peer-to-peer exchanges:
"This is typical for other exchanges that only support the currency or a bunch of the most popular currencies." CommunwingsSwap will include the most extensive cryptographic offer and payment method, once the developer team is launched, which is the primary goal of applying a new currency. "
LocalCoinSwap also plans to launch special support for ICO and other new token projects. ICO manufacturers can launch their projects on the platform, for example.
In general, LocalCoinSwap sees itself as a "true" P2P negotiation, in which users can exchange assets they own for the assets they want. They can pay a low fee when they share the revenue generated by the platform.

The digital ecosystem is here to stay, and the main economy begins to embrace the idea of ​​decentralization and limited trade. The local exchange platform is the most basic system that returns foreign assets without using P2P trading agents. Allow P2P digital currency exchange, all Localcoinswap platforms will return the market to their users, so they can instantly exchange cryptography using a payment method that can be done in any geographic location. The gap has been made in the market, but the bitcoin infrastructure LOCALCOINSWAP will close this gap in the market not only by offering P2P exchanges for all Kriptosov in critical situations, but also to mark the foreign ownership itself. In the hands of its users through the world's first cryptoshare system. The Cryptoshare LCS system uses blockchain technology to replicate traditional business through share ownership in a more secure and decentralized way. This allows all merchants in the store to acquire properties on the platforms where they trade. Regardless of the concept, the concept of Localcoinswap is the first implementation of a foreigner, which is completely distributed through Cryptoshare's intellectual contract system with an initial release, scheduled for August 2018.

How it Work LCS Cryptoshares
LocalCoinSwap will have a token sale for LCS Cryptoshares. In essence, LocalCoinSwap is a tokenisasi platform and then sells tokens via ICO.
Technical documents do not try to hide the fact that you're buying a common stock:
"The Cryptoshare LCS system uses blockchain technology to replicate traditional business ownership through more secure and decentralized action Since the issuance of common shares and benefits are distributed through dividends, the Cryptoshares LocalCoinSwap issue gives shareholders the rights to ordinary dividend tokens that can be redeemed"
The entire tokenisasi system is stored in blockchain, which provides an auditable and unforgivable public book about the company's financial performance.
The LCS Cryptoshares system is scheduled to launch in August 2018.
When the system is launched, the right tab holder for the rights is guaranteed 100% of the total benefit of LocalCoinSwap's cryptocurrency exchange through dividends. The entire payment system is based on a transparent block chain, allowing you to see exactly how the system is broken down.
As the holders of LCS tokens, you are also eligible to participate in the platform decision-making process.

Token Sale
The sale of LCS files will begin with previous sales on March 15, 2018. This sale has a soft coverage of $ 500,000 USD and a helmet worth $ 20 million.

There will be a total supply of 100 million Cryptoshares LCS, with 70 million available through a combination of pre-ICO, pre-sales and ICO. The remaining tokens are allocated to public commercial funds, whose use is chosen by the investor (10%), the development team is frozen by 1 year (10%) smart contract, 5% prize and prize of the Program so the user increases platform security (5%).


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